Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jerry Spinelli @ Chautauqua/Highlights

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Writing a Short Story

ANYone can write a short story. It's as simple as going step-by-step.

It doesn't matter if you know the beginning but not the ending. Or you know the ending but not the beginning. Or you have a great idea for the middle but no idea how to get to or from that point.

Just take a sheet of paper and make a line from the left to the right edge.

Now draw four circles - each about the size of a dime - at even distances from the beginning and end of the line. (There won't be a circle at the start and finish of the line.)

At the left edge of the line, you think, "once upon a time there was" and the answer to that is your character.

At the first circle you think, "everything was great until" OR "everything was great except." And now you have the problem.

At the second circle you think, "so he/she/it decided to" and now you have the first solution.

At the third circle you think, "it was going great until" OR "it didn't work so" and now you have the complication.

At the fourth circle you think, "So he/she/it did" and now the problem is truly solved.

At the left edge you think, "And it worked and he/she/it lived happily ever after" and now you have the end.

Not very complicated. Not very elegant. But it works! Every KidWrite! kid in grades 2 & 3 wrote a fantastic short story this way! Try it for yourself!

Happy Writing!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Amazing Authors, Illustrators, & Editors

This summer I was lucky enough to meet Eileen and Jerry Spinelli, as well as Candace Fleming. I also had the incredible opportunity of working on my novel in progress with Patricia Lee Gauch.

In the past I've spoken with Katherine Paterson and Bruce Coville, and heard Brian Selznick and Susan Cooper speak about their process and work.

What's the common thread?

All of these people have been approachable, easy to talk to, and enthusiastic about their work.

It's nice to see that the pleasure you get from creative work is a pleasure that continues as your career progresses.

Happy Writing!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Frindle... Maniac Magee...

I know.  How hard is it to believe that I had never read Frindle by Andrew Clements until today?  It's got to be one of the best kid's books I've ever read.  I'm going to use it for my summer reading club, along with Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli - another unbelievable book I read yesterday.

I think I'm going to read my way through the kid's section of the library this summer!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Festival of Children's Literature/CLC Frostburg

The Spring Festival of Children's Literature at the Children's Literature Centre at Frostburg State was amazing. The speakers were authors Gennifer Choldenko, Kadir Nelson, Doreen Rappaport, and illustrator Matt Tavares. There were Small Group Sessions on topics such as the way Robert McCloskey's life experiences influenced his career and values, the use of flannel boards in schools, trends in children's literature, and inspiring the reluctant writer.

Coming up? A Summer Author Institute and the Fall Author Series. Check them out.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Just Ask

Welcome to KidWords! - Home to KidLit! and KidWrite!

The blog about all things reading & writing for kids.

Looking for the perfect book? Just ask.

Wondering how to get your kid clear on the difference between and adjective and an adverb? Just ask.

Wondering what it will for your 3rd grader to sit down to his writing homework without a hassle? Easy done.

In short, if you have a questions about reading and writing for kids...

Just ask.